Friday 22 November 2013

My Anonymous

I'm SO sorry it's been too long since I last posted a poem but I'm back now! And hopefully with some nice new ideas. If anyone has any suggestions, as you know, please comment to let me know.
Here's my latest poem for you and I, personally, am not too big a fan of love poems and whatnot but I was reading a novel and it just came to me. It's not extra cheesy but somewhere along the lines of a love poem. Thoughts?

She told me, "don't leave the house, it's not safe."
So of course, I leave the house
Doors are locked, I'm in the wild
Walking to the city, feeling something
Behind me
When I turn, nothing's there
Suddenly, I get tangles up in vines, someone cuts me out
Though when I turn, I see
No one
In the city, strange men give me things
One step and all I see
I awake, one worried face above me, my cure
I blink, the face disappears
I get up, walk, think, remember
That face
That reminds me of home
Who protects me without me knowing
Who seems to be with me without being there
I think of the face
And look up to see
Home, I'm home, safe
Running to the porch,
I see him
The face
And I realize, I've always been home
Always been safe,
When I was hurt, when I was caught, when I was in danger
My anonymous was always there